Coffee table from offcuts

Avatar of Gareth Williams

Posted by Gareth Williams in Project Plans

In the process of constructing the entertainment deck we were left with quite a few decking plank offcuts. It’s a shame to let good wood go to waste, so I decided to put together a coffee table to see how it turned out …Coffee table from offcuts

This coffee table is so easy to make you can knock it together in an hour if you already have the timber cut to size. There are no measurements – you can make the table as small, or as large, as required.

  • Pine – cut to size at your local Builders Warehouse
  • Cut screws
  • Ponal wood glue
  • Drill/Driver and assorted screw bits
  • Sander and 180-grit sanding pads
  • Rust-Oleum Painters Touch
  • Glass – cut to size at your local Builders Warehouse

The design of the table is really very simple. Start by building the top frame (bottom left) then arrange the offcuts on a thin piece of board (bottom right) and add legs to the frame.

Coffee table from offcuts

The offcut design is supported by thin cleats attached to the inside of the frame, fastened at a depth that allows the thin board, displayed offcuts, and a 5mm piece of glass, to sit flush on the top.
Spray the entire frame with 2 coats of Rust-Oleum Painters Touch, pop in the pre-cut glass top, and voila – you have a simple coffee table.

Design tip:
We used some available offcuts for the design inside the table, but you could also create your own personal display. Display a collage of your favourite photos, add an arrangement of shells.




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